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Mine clearance in the Kyiv region could take up to a year - Head of the Kyiv Military Administration

Friday, 15 April 2022, 18:17
Mine clearance in the Kyiv region could take up to a year - Head of the Kyiv Military Administration


It could take up to a year to demine all of the liberated territory in the Kyiv region.

Source: Oleksandr Pavliuk, Head of the Kyiv Regional State Administration, on air during a 24/7 newscast


Quote: "We are planning the main operations to clear settlements and roads by the end of May.

For the rest of the territory, the timescale is long - maybe up to a year. Because there is 743,000 square km where dangerous objects are expected to be. At the moment we have cleared about 1,200 hectares."

Details: Pavliuk also predicts that by the end of May, water, gas and electricity supplies will be restored throughout the Kyiv region.

He also said that all highways in the Kyiv region had been cleared of rubbish and debris.

"Within a week or two, there will be a crossing near each of the destroyed bridges, which will allow us to travel from one side to another," he added.
