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Russians may resort to provocations on Easter; their "alibi" is ready - the Centre for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defence Council

Monday, 18 April 2022, 14:49
Russians may resort to provocations on Easter; their alibi is ready - the Centre for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defence Council


The Centre for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defence Council warned that Russian troops may resort to provocations during the [Orthodox] Easter holidays, accusing the Ukrainian army in advance of being responsible for them.


Source: The Centre for Countering Disinformation 


Quote: "The occupiers are again using the technique of an ‘information alibi’, warning of possible provocations in Ukrainian cities during Easter.

In particular, several propaganda outlets reported that ‘more than 70 mobile groups with cars have been formed by nationalists, who will fire mortars at Orthodox churches on Easter night to accuse the Russian military of doing so.’

At the same time, the propagandists are providing a specific list of regions of Ukraine where this ‘may happen’:

Zaporizhzhia region;

Mykolaiv region;

Odesa region; 

Sumy region; 

Kharkiv region.

Warning! In all these regions, there is a high probability of activity by enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups."

Details: This was reported by the Russian Defence Ministry, which claims that Kyiv is allegedly "preparing subtle and horrific provocations" with numerous victims.

All Ukrainians are urged to be very attentive and as careful as possible.
