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Almost all civilians in Bucha were killed by bullets, not by artillery — the mayor of the city

Thursday, 7 April 2022, 14:23
Almost all civilians in Bucha were killed by bullets, not by artillery — the mayor of the city


The Mayor of Bucha Anatolii Fedoruk said that the number of bodies found in the city was increasing every day, and almost all of them had been shot.

Source: Fedoruk in an interview with DW



"As of last night (on 6 April- ed.) 320 civilians have been found. Specialists - criminalists and law enforcement officers - are currently working with the bodies. But the number of bodies found has been increasing every day.

Dead people are being found in private estates, parks, squares - wherever it was possible, when there was a break in the shelling, to bury bodies. People tried to bury the dead so that the dogs would not drag them away. Now, we have been finding new bodies in this kind of temporary grave every day. 


When asked by a journalist whether they died mainly from gunshot wounds or artillery shelling, the mayor replied: "Almost 90% were killed by bullets, not shrapnel"

Background: The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) has intercepted Russian military radio communications in which the occupiers discuss the mass murder of civilians in Bucha.
