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As people return: 16 sabotage and reconnaissance units caught in two days in Kyiv

Thursday, 7 April 2022, 16:42
As people return: 16 sabotage and reconnaissance units caught in two days in Kyiv


Sixteen sabotage and reconnaissance units have been identified in Kyiv over the past two days.

Source: Oleksandr Hruzevych, deputy chief of staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Ground Forces Command, quoted by Interfax-Ukraine, on air at the Ukrainian Media Centre


According to Hruzevych: "Over two days 16 sabotage and reconnaissance units have been caught by joint actions in Kyiv itself. We thought it was quiet, but the enemy is here. Only yesterday we conducted a sweep of one area and caught one group: a bunch of sensors, which are used to guide missiles. So we should not ignore air security rules."

Details: According to him, these groups include recruited Ukrainians, mostly from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Investigative actions are currently underway with these groups.

Hruzevych stressed that roadblocks will remain on the roads in Kyiv precisely in order to further identify sabotage and reconnaissance groups.


Why this matters: Many people have started returning to Kyiv over the past few days following the withdrawal of Russian troops from the region.

Kyiv mayor Vitaliy Klychko is urging residents who left the capital because of the war not to return until at least the end of this week.
