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Luhansk region: aggressors fired 26 times, damaging 24 houses

Thursday, 12 May 2022, 08:48
Luhansk region: aggressors fired 26 times, damaging 24 houses


Over the past day, Russian troops fired 26 times on towns and villages in the Luhansk region, worst affected was Sievierodonetsk, which was fired on 9 times.

Source: Serhii Haidai, head of Luhansk Regional Military Administration, on Telegram


Quote from Haidai: "At least 24 houses were damaged by the Russians on 11 May, 7 in Sievierodonetsk."

Details: According to the head of the Regional Military Administration, occupying forces opened fire on the same "square" in Sievierodonetsk three times in a week, damaging 7 high-rise buildings. Another 3 houses were destroyed in Rubizhne, 2 in Hirske, 5 in Vrubivka, 4 in Komyshuvakha and 3 in Toshkivka.

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He also added that the worsening situation has made it more difficult to deliver humanitarian supplies. On 11 May, a truck came under fire near Lysychansk.


Maintaining public order has also become a risky activity, as police officers are coming under fire on city streets almost every day.

According to Haidai, the Russians are currently trying to establish full control over Rubizhne. To overcome the water barrier, the enemy transported amphibious pontoon bridging equipment in the direction of Kreminnia.

At the same time, in the territory of Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts, defenders repulsed 9 enemy attacks, destroyed 8 tanks, 6 units of armoured combat vehicles, 5 cars and 1 Russian anti-aircraft gun. The air defence system shot down 4 ‘Orlan-10’ drones.

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