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Russians defeated in Bilohorivka: about 70 units of military machinery turned into scrap metal

Thursday, 12 May 2022, 22:39
Russians defeated in Bilohorivka: about 70 units of military machinery turned into scrap metal

Alyona Mazurenko - Thursday, 12 May 2022, 22:39

The Head of Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, Serhii Haidai, said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine once again destroyed the Russian pontoon crossings across the Siverskyi Donets river, and killed Russian military personnel and destroyed equipment on 12 May.

Source: Head of Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, Serhii Haidai, on Facebook


Quote: "Bilohorivka is our new ‘Chornobaivka,’ where the aggressors are trying to bridge pontoon crossings and move military equipment and personnel across the river. There is a unique situation, they herd like sheep into the same places over and over again."

"Our Armed Forces destroy pontoon crossings, equipment and personnel. There are dozens of units of BTR armoured vehicles, tanks and trucks lying around. You can already spot this with the naked eye."

Details: According to Serhii Haidai, Bilohorivka is hell for the Russians.


Serhii Haidai added that about 70 units of military equipment had been destroyed and dozens of invaders killed.

He said that the aggressors had been trying to break through in Komyshuvakha and Rubizhne all day on May 12, but failed. The battles for Voivodivka continue.

In addition, he reported that the National Guard shot down a Russian Ka-52 helicopter in the Luhansk region.

He also said that the Russian occupation was hell for Ukrainians. For instance, in Popasna Russians had been executing people by shooting for their love for Ukraine.

In particular, they may take local residents’ lives for a Ukrainian picture on their phone, while Ukrainian activists have actually gone missing.

Serhii Haidai said that relief consignments had reached Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk and the villages of the Popasna Amalgamated Territorial Community on 12 May: "The driver who came under fire the day before yesterday (May 10) got behind the wheel again today (12 May)."
