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Zelenskyy on Russian shelling of school and factory: Really sick

Thursday, 12 May 2022, 23:22
Zelenskyy on Russian shelling of school and factory: Really sick

Kateryna Tyshchenko - Thursday, 12 May 2022, 23:22

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called the Russian commanders who ordered the shelling of schools in the Chernihiv region and an oil refinery in the Poltava region "sick".

Source: Presidential video address


Quote: "Tonight they struck at the Chernihiv region, at schools. Of course, the Russian state is in such a condition that any education only hinders it. But what can be achieved by destroying Ukrainian schools? All Russian commanders who give such orders are just sick. Incurably.

However, we will rebuild everything - all the hospitals that the aggressors destroyed, all the schools, all the universities that they bombed, all the houses, bridges, businesses - we will rebuild them all.

The aggressors also hit the Poltava region today, in Kremenchuk. [They targeted] the plant again, so that people will not have fuel. Really sick."

Details: Zelenskyy also said that Russian troops have destroyed 570 healthcare facilities, and completely destroyed 101 hospitals during the fighting since 24 February.

"What is it? This is nonsense. This is barbarism. This is the self-destruction of Russia itself as a state that at least someone in the world could regard as a cultural nation," he said.

Background: The Russians launched an airstrike on Novhorod-Siverskyi, Chernihiv Oblast, at night, killing three people and injuring 19.

Russian troops fired several rockets at a local school and boarding school. Some administrative buildings were also damaged: the Novhorod-Siverskyi District State Administration, student accommodation at a medical college, Shop No. 10, and some private houses that were located near the epicentre of the blasts.

The Russian aggressors bombed Kremenchuk once again on Thursday, 12 May, including the refinery. In total, there were 12 strikes on the town.
