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Russians shell Sievierodonetsk: at least 10 killed

Monday, 16 May 2022, 18:52
Russians shell Sievierodonetsk: at least 10 killed

Alona Mazurenko Monday, 16 May, 2022, 18:52

The head of Luhansk Oblast, Serhii Haidai, said that the Russian invaders had fired on Sievierodonetsk again, killing at least 10 people.

Source: Haidai on Facebook


Quote: "Orcs have been aiming at the city all day. The medical camp was hit the most, almost every building of the Sievierodonetsk hospital was hit.

They also fired at a research and production enterprise.

High-rise buildings in different districts of the oblast centre were chaotically shelled.


At least 10 people were killed. It is extremely difficult to check the area at the moment due to new shelling."

Details: Haidai called on citizens who have decided to stay in the city to remain in shelters at all times.
