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Russians shell Sievierodonetsk: four people killed

Thursday, 19 May 2022, 08:26
Russians shell Sievierodonetsk: four people killed


Four people have been killed and three others injured as a result of Russian shelling of Sievierodonetsk in the Luhansk region on 18 May.

Source: The head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, Serhii Haidai on Telegram


Quote from Haidai: "Sievierodonetsk was shelled all morning. In some places, due to heavy shelling, rescuers were unable to go to the sites of fires for two hours. At least 8 residential buildings were damaged, some of them were on fire – individual apartments and entire entrance sections. On 18 May, four people were killed and three others were injured in the city. All of it – in the morning and in the old districts of the city." 

Details: According to the head of the Oblast Military Administration, the bodies of two women were found after examining the apartment that a Russian shell hit in the morning. A man was killed near one of the houses, a woman and a man came under Russian fire on the same street. The woman died on the spot, the man was hospitalised with shrapnel wounds.

Two more residents of Sievierodonetsk received shrapnel wounds and concussion. In Lysychansk, a woman's arm was torn off.


It also became known that 3 people who had died earlier were residents of Bilohorivka and Popasna.

Haidai noted that on 18 May, the Russians used aircraft to destroy civilian objects in the areas of the settlements of Loskutivka, Katerynivka and Orikhove. The invaders carried out assault operations in the area of Ustynivka and Zolote-4, but to no avail. These localities have experienced widespread destruction. 

Damage to houses has also been recorded in Vrubivka, Nyrkove and Komyshuvakha.

Haidai recalled that on 18 May in Lysychansk, the Russians cut off the power to a major  electrical substation. The region was left without electricity.

Over the past day, defenders have repelled 16 Russian attacks on the Luhansk and Donetsk fronts, destroyed 8 tanks, 17 armoured combat vehicles, 4 special armoured vehicles and 6 ordinary Russian vehicles.

Air defence units have shot down a Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber.


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