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Russians cut the water supply to 1 million residents of Luhansk region - head of the Regional Military Administration

Sunday, 8 May 2022, 15:02
Russians cut the water supply to 1 million residents of Luhansk region - head of the Regional Military Administration

Valentyna Romanenko - Sunday, 8 May, 15:02

Shelling by the Russian army has resulted in damage to the facilities of the Popasna water plant, cutting water supplies to 1 million residents of the Luhansk region.

Source: Serhiy Haidai, the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, Telegram chat


Quote: "The orcs have hit the facilities of the Popasna water plant. 1 million people remain without water, including those living on the occupied territory. 

The Ruscists have damaged the substation building along with open water distribution equipment with power-converters, located at one of the filtration plant stations. The substation equipment is most likely also damaged."

Details: According to Serhiy Haidai, water supplies are completely suspended for an indefinite period in Popasna, Zolote, Hirske, Pervomayske, Kadiievka, Alchevsk, Khrustalne, Antratsyt, and in such villages as Toshkivka, Chekhirove, Loskutivka, Pidlisne, Vovcheiarivka, Maloriazantseve, Lysychanske (with total number of approximately 1 million residents).


It is emphasised that water supplies can be restored only after cessation of hostilities. 
