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7 people evacuated from Sviatohirsk Lavra – Ukrainian Intelligence

Saturday, 16 July 2022, 21:27
7 people evacuated from Sviatohirsk Lavra – Ukrainian Intelligence


7 people were successfully evacuated from the territory of Sviatohirsk Lavra [Orthodox monastery - ed.] in Donetsk Oblast, which is under constant shelling.

Source: The Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine


Quote: "It was possible to evacuate a group of civilians from the territory of Sviatohirsk Lavra with the efforts of the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, with the participation of people's deputies of Ukraine.

This is a family that was hiding from constant Russian artillery shelling within the walls of the Lavra: father, mother and three children. The youngest child was born in the Lavra a few days ago. A couple of elderly people - a man and a woman - were also able to leave."

Details: The evacuees are now on Ukrainian-controlled territory and are receiving the necessary medical and psychological assistance.

The Chief Intelligence Directorate noted that Ukraine continues to work on establishing a ceasefire and organising a humanitarian corridor to Sviatohirsk Lavra. Up to 600 civilians live on its territory – more than 50 are children, including 4 infants.

Previously: On 14 July, Ukrainian intelligence officers reported that they were working on the organisation of a humanitarian corridor from Sviatohirsk Lavra in Donetsk Oblast, where 600 civilians are hiding.

It was reported that about 100 monks refused to leave the Lavra.


On 1 June, the Sviatohirsk Lavra came under artillery fire by Russian occupying forces. As a result of shelling, Archimandrite Halaktion, monk Arystoklii and nun Varvara died. Several priests were seriously injured.
