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Zelenskyy on Russian threat of “doomsday” for Ukraine: a “not-too-sober statement”

Sunday, 17 July 2022, 23:32
Zelenskyy on Russian threat of “doomsday” for Ukraine: a “not-too-sober statement”


Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, has said that Ukraine will not be intimidated by Dmitriy Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, who threatened Ukraine with a "doomsday" in the event of Ukraine attacking Russian forces in Crimea.

Source: Zelenskyy’s nightly video address


Quote: "Today, another not-too-sober statement about the alleged ‘doomsday’ for Ukraine was heard from Russia. Of course, no one will accept such intimidation.

But look how cynical it is to say such a thing today – on the anniversary of Russia shooting down the Malaysian Boeing in the sky over the Ukrainian Donbas."

Details: Zelenskyy said that even back then, Russia was following its path to the status of a terrorist state and to a special tribunal, "which will definitely take place regarding Russian aggression against Ukraine".


"This will be a doomsday for Russia. And not in a figurative sense, not as a loudly spoken saying, but literally," Zelenskyy is convinced.

Earlier: Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev threatened Ukraine with a "doomsday" in the event of an attack on Crimea. The Presidential Office of Ukraine responded that Medvedev’s statement was pitiful.
