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Ukrainians in occupied Crimea are urged to avoid mobilisation

Sunday, 3 July 2022, 22:35
Ukrainians in occupied Crimea are urged to avoid mobilisation


The Office of the Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is calling on Crimeans to avoid being mobilised by the Russian invaders.

Source: official Facebook page of the Office of the Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea


Quote from the Office of the Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea: "We call on our citizens in temporarily occupied Crimea to do everything possible to avoid any participating in the military formations of the aggressor country. Sabotage the decision of the occupiers!

Remember, your life is the most precious thing you have! If you are unable to avoid mobilisation and you are sent to participate in the war, then surrender as a prisoner at the first opportunity. This way you will save your life and not follow criminal orders.

This is important! Execution of criminal orders that may result in civilian casualties or destruction of civilian infrastructure will be qualified as crimes without a statute of limitations, so sooner or later you will be held responsible, as provided for by the laws of Ukraine and international law. Even if you were mobilised for the war against Ukraine by force."

Details: The other day, a decree by the so-called "head of the Republic of Crimea" appeared among the resources of the Russian occupation administration in temporarily occupied Crimea, which created the so-called "mobilisation draft commission", approved its regulations and gave instructions to create relevant lower-level commissions in "municipal and urban districts".

The steps specified by the occupation administration indicate that the Russian Federation is preparing for mobilisation in the temporarily occupied territory. Citizens of Ukraine in occupied Crimea are again forced to fight against their own state, as is already happening with those who were illegally conscripted by the occupiers for military service, the Office of the Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea emphasised.

Background: The conscription and mobilisation of Ukrainian citizens into the Armed Forces of the occupying state is a violation of the norms of international humanitarian law, and in particular the provisions of the Geneva Convention (IV) on the Protection of Civilian Persons during wartime. 
