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If Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is shut down, possibility of nuclear disaster increases – Energoatom

Thursday, 18 August 2022, 14:50
If Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is shut down, possibility of nuclear disaster increases – Energoatom


Energoatom, a Ukrainian state enterprise operating all four nuclear power stations in Ukraine, has stressed that if the Russian occupying forces halt the operation of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), the possibility of a nuclear disaster will increase.

Source: Energoatom on Telegram


Quote from Energoatom: "If the ZNPP generators are disconnected from Ukraine’s power grid, they will not be able to continue cooling the fuel in case the station’s electricity supply is cut off. This will increase the possibility of a nuclear disaster at the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, the Zaporizhzhia NPP."

Details: Energoatom also said that the Russian occupiers are meddling in management of the nuclear facility, which further increases the threat of a nuclear disaster.

The organisation noted that the Russians want to disconnect the ZNPP from Ukraine’s power grid and connect it instead to Russia-controlled power grid in Crimea.

Energoatom added that if the ZNPP lost access to the Ukrainian power grid, a blackout would occur, making it possible to connect the power plant to the Russian-controlled power grid.

Quote from Energoatom: "This is what nuclear terrorism looks like. The Ruscists are terrorising and blackmailing not only Ukraine, but the entire civilised world. They are gradually destroying all possible means that can protect the ZNPP from a nuclear disaster.

The Russian troops must urgently withdraw from the territory of the ZNPP and the power plant must be returned under Ukraine’s full control! Only this will guarantee the safety of the nuclear facility."


  • On 18 August, Russian military command threatened to stop the operation of Europe’s largest Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.
  • In addition, the Russian Defence Ministry said that a "large-scale provocation of the Kyiv regime" could occur at the ZNPP during the visit of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to Ukraine on 19 August.

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