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Russia conducts powerful special information operation against Ukraine – Danilov

Saturday, 27 August 2022, 14:33
Russia conducts powerful special information operation against Ukraine – Danilov


Oleksii Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine,  believes that Russia is conducting a powerful special information operation against Ukraine and its military and political leadership, targeting President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in particular.

Source: National Security and Defence Council (RNBO)


Details: According to Danilov, one of the narratives promoted by [Russian - ed.] propaganda is that the world has become tired of the war in Ukraine.

The Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine emphasised that Ukrainian authorities have been working as one team since the beginning of the Russian invasion, and continue to sort out important decisions at meetings every day.

Danilov emphasised that the current war cannot be paused or "frozen", since "Russia will encroach on our land sooner or later, regardless."

Quote from Danilov: "Each country has its own interests in this war. But it is necessary to prevent a conditional ‘Minsk III’ [the first and second Minsk agreements sought to end hostilities in Eastern Ukraine in 2014 and 2015, however in doing so permitted for the granting of self-governance to Certain Areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts - ed.] , as our society will not accept this."

Details: Danilov also added that Ukrainians continue to pay a very high price in this war, which is why Putin cannot be negotiated with.

"Now we are talking about all of Europe. Ukraine is a frontier, and if we had not repelled Russian aggression on 24 February, their tanks would have already been in Warsaw, Vilnius and other European cities," Danilov concluded.


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