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Deputy Prime Minister on when evacuees will be able to return home

Wednesday, 31 August 2022, 21:20
 Deputy Prime Minister on when evacuees will be able to return home


Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, advised those Ukrainians who evacuated from unsafe regions of Ukraine against returning home until at least the following spring, even if appropriate provisions are in place to provide heating [across the entire territory of Ukraine - ed.].

Source: Iryna Vereshchuk on air during the 24/7 national joint newscast


Quote: "I advise against it[thinking about returning - ed.]. And I am urging everyone to evacuate from Donetsk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia oblasts and the [Russian-occupied] part of Kharkiv Oblast.

Those who can afford to, should gradually plan their move. Let’s live through this winter and then, God willing, in spring we can talk about returning."

Details: Vereshchuk noted that so far, the state mandates evacuation only from Donetsk Oblast. Other oblasts are still considering mandating partial evacuation from certain districts.

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