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Russia destroys over 9,000 civilian targets in Mykolaiv Oblast

Tuesday, 9 August 2022, 08:56
Russia destroys over 9,000 civilian targets in Mykolaiv Oblast


Russian forces have destroyed over 9,000 civilian facilities in Mykolaiv Oblast since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion. This specifically includes over 300 schools and other educational establishments and over 100 industrial facilities which have been destroyed.

Source: Mykolaiv Oblast Military Administration on Facebook


Quote: "As of 9 August, a total of 9,078 civilian facilities have been damaged or destroyed in Mykolaiv Oblast since the beginning of Russia’s invasion."

Details: The following facilities have been damaged or destroyed:

  • 5,870 residential buildings,
  • 65 hospitals and other medical establishments,
  • 320 schools and other educational establishments,
  • 131 cultural facilities [museums, etc. - ed.],
  • 106 industrial facilities [plants, factories, etc. - ed.],
  • municipal services and utilities: 779 facilities related to gas supply, 551 – to electricity supply, 28 – to water supply, and 94 – to television and communications,
  • 1,134 other civilian facilities.

Work is currently underway to restore gas and electricity supply to towns and villages where they have been interrupted as a result of Russia’s military operations in Mykolaiv Oblast. Gas supply has been cut off for a total of 7,126 users.

In addition, there is no power or running water in 94 towns and villages (five towns and villages are partially without power or running water) in the Mykolaiv and Bashtanka districts of Mykolaiv Oblast.

The local government is continuing to organise voluntary evacuations. As of 9 August, 482 internally displaced persons are housed in temporary accommodations within Mykolaiv.

A total of 24,856 residents of Mykolaiv Oblast have been evacuated.

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