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Security Service of Ukraine identifies 6 more collaborators in Kherson Oblast: list posted

Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 18:05
Security Service of Ukraine identifies 6 more collaborators in Kherson Oblast: list posted

Iryna Balachuk — Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 18:05

The Security Service of Ukraine has exposed six more collaborators that joined the occupiers’ so-called "Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" in occupied territory of Kherson Oblast. 

Source: Security Service of Ukraine on Telegram 


Quote: "As a result of operational work. identities of six more enemy henchmen have been revealed. They have joined "the Chief Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kherson Oblast" created by the occupiers."

Details: It is reported that this pseudo-establishment performs the Kremlin’s tasks on suppressing the resistance and intimidating inhabitants of temporarily occupied territories. 

In particular, employees of this so-called "Ministry of Internal Affairs" conduct massive reppressions, persecute and illegally detain citizens, apply psychological pressure on them, commit violence and threaten them with physical violence. 

Security Service of Ukraine also documented facts of abdicting and torturing people. 

At the moment, following "officials" are notified of suspicion: 

  • Frolov Y., head of the department for fighting organised crime; 
  • Yaremenko A., deputy head of training centre; 
  • Chernushenko V., head of the department for professional training of human resources management;
  • Pryhodko V., deputy head of the department for professional training of human resources management;
  • Trepetin V., senior operations officer of the department for investigation of crimes against humanity;  
  • Mazylkin M., operations officer of the department for wanted criminals and missing persons.

Employees of the Security Service of Ukraine have collected all constituent data regarding every collaborator, documented criminal activity, and determined their locations and movement routes. 

Comprehensive steps for holding the traitors accountable are being taken. 

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