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Schools destroyed by Russian military are being restored: Ukrainian charitable foundation looks for patrons

Saturday, 3 September 2022, 14:40


The savED charitable foundation is looking for patrons to restore and improve educational institutions destroyed by the Russian Federation.

216 schools have been completely destroyed and 391 have been damaged in six months of Russian aggression against Ukraine.


In total, more than 177,000 children are currently facing limited access to education at the beginning of the 2022 school year.

The savED foundation wants to raise funds to restore the destroyed educational institutions, and it is looking for partners, patrons and charitable foundations – in particular, in the USA, Canada and Great Britain.

See also: Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Defence shares how many schools were damaged due to Russian aggression against Ukraine


"We understand that in the conditions of war and the need to finance the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the state will not be able to cope with this task on its own. Therefore, we are creating a charity fund to ask for help from international funders, the educational community of the world and ordinary people who care about Ukraine." said Anna Novosad, co-founder of the savED foundation and the former Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The charitable foundation plans to restore educational institutions throughout Ukraine, but it begins its activities in Chernihiv, the northern outpost of the capital, which, with its resilience and the cost of the lives of its residents, made a further attack on Kyiv impossible.

Out of 34 schools in Chernihiv, 25 were seriously damaged, two were completely destroyed, and 37 out of 52 kindergartens in the city were damaged.

Funds of USD 80 million are required to restore the educational infrastructure of Chernihiv.


"After the Revolution of Dignity, public organisations helped to launch and implement the most important reforms, and today we all need to unite to become a partner of the state, for the reconstruction of the country, and not just to return schools to children, but also to renovate the educational space, to give children more than the same building with restored windows and freshly painted walls," said Oksana Nechyporenko, the co-founder of savED and head of the GoGlobal NGO.

You can learn more about the savED charity fund and join the restoration of Ukrainian educational institutions on the savED website.

See also: Russian authorities unable to open schools in occupied Mariupol - mayor's advisor

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