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Car with family drove over a mine in Kherson Oblast: 4 injured, among them a child

Sunday, 13 November 2022, 22:07
Car with family drove over a mine in Kherson Oblast: 4 injured, among them a child

In the liberated village of Novoraisk in Kherson Oblast, a car drove over a mine, 4 people were injured, including a child.

Source: Deputy Head of the Office of the President Kyrylo Tymoshenko on Telegram

Quote: "Today, a mine detonation was recorded in Kherson Oblast, in the village of Novoraisk.


A car drove over it and then blew up. There was a family inside. Four victims, including an 11-year-old child."

Details: Tymoshenko emphasised that Russian terrorists left behind many mines and tripwires.

He asked the public to refrain from travelling on roads that have not yet been checked by specialists.


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