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Only third of Lviv Oblast’s residents can simultaneously consume electricity after missile attack

Wednesday, 16 November 2022, 12:37
Only third of Lviv Oblast’s residents can simultaneously consume electricity after missile attack

Since three energy facilities were damaged in Lviv Oblast on 15 November, now only a third of consumers can use electricity at the same time; experts are actively working to restore the system.

Source: Maksym Kozytskyy, the head of Lviv Oblast Military Administration, and Andrii Sadovyi, the mayor of Lviv, during a briefing on 16 November. 

Quote from Kozytskyy: "If we take the area of ​​responsibility of the Operational Command Zakhid (West) as a whole, then 23 missiles flew, 15 were downed, 8 hit. If we take Lviv Oblast, then out of 13 missiles, 7 were downed, 6 hit 3 energy infrastructure objects, 2 of which have been hit before.


The situation is critical. In the evening, about 2 million people or 700,000 consumers were without electricity. In the morning, 95% of consumers had their lights on, but emergency shutdown schedules are in effect.

The power supplied to Lviv Oblast, which we can currently consume, is about 200 megawatts; in peacetime we consumed from 650 to 750 megawatts. Now only 30% of consumers can use electricity at the same time."

Details: Kozytskyy has added that private houses were damaged as well, and one person was injured; the person is stable, their condition is of medium severity.

Sadovyi reported that Lviv already has cold and hot water, heating, and most of the city's residents have electricity. Municipal services worked all night.

He has also reported that children will go to kindergartens and schools as early as Thursday.

The mayor asked residents to stock up on water, warm clothes, flashlights and power banks, because the reality is that Russia will continue to try to destroy the energy infrastructure.

The head of Lviv Oblast Military Administration has also informed that all substations were additionally protected.

As for mobile operators, they purchase diesel generators to continue working in a critical situation.

Cars with loudspeakers will sound an alarm in the case of a power outage in Lviv Oblast.

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