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No preconditions: Russian Foreign Ministry wants Ukraine to show "good will" and negotiate

Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 13:52
No preconditions: Russian Foreign Ministry wants Ukraine to show good will and negotiate

Andrey Rudenko, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, said that Russia had no preconditions for starting negotiations with Ukraine.

Source: Kremlin-aligned news outlet RIA Novosti, quoting Rudenko

Quote: "There are no preconditions on our part [for starting the negotiations], except for the main one – that Ukraine should show good will."



  • On 31 October, Russian President Vladimir Putin complained that Ukraine did not want to hold "peace talks" with the Russian Federation and said that he would wait for Ukraine to agree to such talks.
  • On 4 October, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defence Council, which stated the impossibility of negotiating with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, as well as the need to strengthen Ukraine's defence capability.
  • The Washington Post, quoting its sources among US officials, reported that the Administration of US President Joe Biden privately urged Ukrainian leaders to declare their readiness to negotiate with Russia.
  • After that, Zelenskyy in his evening address on 7 November said that everyone knew Ukraine's conditions. "Once again: [they include] restoration of territorial integrity, respect for the UN Charter, compensation for all damage caused by the war, punishment of every war criminal and guarantees that this [the war against Ukraine – ed.] will not happen again. These are absolutely clear conditions," Zelenskyy said.

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