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Russian Foreign Minister brings up "risk of nuclear states collision" again

Monday, 5 December 2022, 15:52

Sergei Lavrov, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia, has brought up the risk of a conflict between nuclear states once again, claiming that the Western states ostensibly "headed for military confrontation" with the Russian Federation.

As European Pravda writes, his words are quoted by Russian media outlets, including the Kremlin-aligned outlet RIA Novosti. Lavrov’s statement sounded in a video address to the participants of the Moscow Nonproliferation Conference.

"Given the Western efforts on deterring Russia, a serious threat comes from the USA and NATO towards real military confrontation with us. It is obvious that this threatens to be a direct collision of nuclear states with catastrophic consequences," Lavrov said.


He has complained that the West "intentionally misrepresented" warnings from Moscow and accused Russia of the threatening rhetoric. 

Lavrov has added that the Kremlin is focused on a logic of principles stipulated in joint documents of the Five Nuclear Weapon States.

"According to the statement of five countries on the unacceptability of a nuclear war, it is necessary to prevent any armed conflict between states that have nuclear weapons; and Russia is guided by this [principle]," the Russian Foreign Minister stated.

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