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Russia prepares manuals on war propaganda

Friday, 13 January 2023, 16:30
Russia prepares manuals on war propaganda

Russia has prepared general recommendations on how to present the war against Ukraine [to the general public – ed.].

Source: Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine on Telegram

Details: It is reported that the Russian military command has created a special document that defines how Kremlin propagandists should present the events of the war against Ukraine.

The general recommendations contain 11 points, the general content of which is as follows:

  • Focusing on information exclusively from sources approved by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation;
  • Emphasis in the informational materials and comments of "independent" experts on the leading and positive role of Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, and Valerii Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff;
  • Justification of attacks on critical energy infrastructure of Ukraine, referring to the "necessity" of such actions;
  • Outlining the topic of provision of western weapons to Ukraine. In this sense, it is separately recommended to focus attention on the fact that "Russia is conducting a ‘military operation’ not against Ukraine, but against the whole NATO";
  • Refusal to mention Wagner Group [a Russian private military company, founded by Evgeny Prigozhin – ed.] in a positive context. Emphasis on excessive human losses and senseless attacks by Wagner Group;
  • Tracking and citing publications in foreign media about the successes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the failures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is proposed to focus special attention on the statements of western and Ukrainian politicians, which can be interpreted in a similar way.

Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence came to the conclusion that, in general, the document indicates a radical change of emphasis regarding the coverage of the course of events in the war against Ukraine, as well as an aggravation of the political struggle within the aggressor country.


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