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Ukrainian director Nadiia Parfan's movie to be presented on Berlinale 2023

Friday, 13 January 2023, 17:23

The short film It's a Date by Ukrainian director Nadiia Parfan was included in the competition program of the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale).

The short film about the city of Kyiv during the war will compete for victory in the Berlinale Shorts competition program, as well as for two awards, the Golden Bear for the best short film and the Silver Bear jury prize for the short film. A total of 20 movies were selected for this program.

"It’s a date" is the first feature film of director Nadiia Parfan, who is known for the documentaries "Ivano-Frankivskteplokomunenergo sings", "Women playing games", "I didn't want to make a film about war".


The movie tells a story about the capital of a country where a full-scale war has erupted, but life in all its manifestations does not stop.

"Kyiv in 2022. A car races at breakneck speed through the city at dawn. Filmed from a subjective camera angle in a single unedited shot, this film captures the emotions in a state of emergency caused by the war," the description of the film on the Berlinale website reads.


The Berlin International Film Festival will be held in the capital of Germany on 16-26 February.

In addition to Nadiia Parfan's film, the Ukrainian documentary Iron Butterflies, directed by Roman Liubyi, was selected for Berlinale 2023. It will be featured in the Panorama section. The film focuses on the shooting down of the Malaysian passenger jet MH17 in the sky over Donbas in the summer of 2014.

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