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Russia causes damage to Ukrainian infrastructure worth of US$138 billion

Tuesday, 24 January 2023, 19:57

As of December 2022, direct damage to Ukraine's infrastructure caused by a full-scale war unleashed by Russia reaches US$137.8 billion.

Source: KSE Institute's updated assessment

Details: Since November, the amount of damage has increased by US$2 billion. Firstly, this amount is due to the destruction of the housing stock, educational institutions, and cultural, sports and religious facilities.


Damage from the destruction of the housing stock is estimated at US$54 billion. In December, this amount increased by another US$1.5 billion. For more than ten months of the war, a total of 149,000 residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed, most of which were private houses (131,000).

The areas most affected by the war are the infrastructure, with losses of US$35.6 billion, as well as industry and businesses losses (US$13 billion). Infrastructure is also gradually being restored: by the beginning of December, out of more than 150 destroyed or damaged bridges or overpasses, traffic was restored on 72 facilities, and by the beginning of January, it was restored on 78 facilities.

Russia continues to cause damage to educational institutions in Ukraine. The amount of losses in this area increased by US$400 million and now is US$8.6 billion. As a result of combat actions, more than 3,000 educational institutions have already been damaged or destroyed, including 1,000 secondary education institutions, 865 pre-school institutions, and 505 higher education institutions.

Losses caused by the war to cultural, sports and religious institutions increased by another US$100 million, and in total are estimated at US$2.2 billion.

At least 64 large and medium-sized businesses, 84,000 units of agricultural machinery, 31 boarding schools, 44 social centres, almost 3,000 shops, 593 pharmacies, almost 195,000 private passenger cars, 14,000 public transport units, 330 hospitals, 595 administrative buildings of state and local government have been damaged, destroyed or occupied since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

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