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American auditors come to Ukraine to control use of military and financial aid

Thursday, 26 January 2023, 20:10

Victoria Nuland, the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, has announced that American auditors are visiting Kyiv this week to ensure the accountability of US military and financial aid.

Source: Nuland during the hearing on countering Russian aggression in the Senate on Thursday, reports European Pravda 

"The administration remains focused on preventing the misuse of aid or weapons. We are collaborating with the World Bank, Deloitte [a consulting firm - ed.], and a group of US government auditors who are in Kyiv this week," she said in her opening statement.


The State Department emphasised the latest measures taken in Ukraine to fight corruption.

"Ukraine must not just survive this war, it must come out of it stronger, ‘cleaner’, more democratic, and more European. This is what Ukrainian patriots are fighting for. This is also key to the support provided by the United States and our international partners. President Zelenskyy’s decision this week to release and accept the resignations of officials suspected of corruption is a powerful signal of Ukraine's determination in this matter," Nuland stressed.

The Republican Party, which now has a majority in the US House of Representatives, is actively promoting the idea of strengthening the supervision of military and financial aid to Ukraine, which is estimated at tens of billions of dollars since the beginning of the active phase of the war with the Russian Federation.

Until now, both the Pentagon and the US State Department  have emphasised that there have been no recorded cases of misuse of aid by Ukraine.

Previously, it was unofficially reported that the White House allegedly plans to conclude a contract by February 2023 for the implementation of a three-year initiative aimed at monitoring military and financial domestic assistance provided to Ukraine, called Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Services of Ukraine, or MEASURE.

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