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One thermal power plant unit shut down for repairs, all oblasts given reduced power limits

Sunday, 29 January 2023, 10:02

There is a significant deficit of energy in the power grid of Ukraine as of the morning of 29 January. One of the thermal power plant (TPP) units is being shut down for repair for technical reasons, which is why all oblast power companies have been informed of slightly reduced power consumption limits that are in force throughout the day.

Source: Ukrenergo national energy company

Details: Power consumption in the country remained at the same level as on 28 January. However, the volume of electricity generated in the system decreased due to the repair of one of the TPP units. As a result, all oblast power distribution companies have been informed of slightly reduced consumption limits that are in force throughout the day.


Each oblast power distribution company creates a schedule of planned hourly power outages to ensure that oblast consumption stays within the approved limit.

Ukrenergo added that the repair of energy infrastructure facilities damaged during the massive attack on 26 January is underway. Emergency power outages continue to be in effect in Odesa Oblast. The repairs of the planned power supply system for Odesa Oblast are underway.

Background: On 26 January, a Russian attack damaged two critical energy infrastructure facilities in Odesa Oblast.


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