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Half a million Ukrainian school-age children are currently living abroad

Tuesday, 3 January 2023, 18:21

As of the beginning of January 2023, there are about 500,000 Ukrainian children of school age living abroad. At the beginning of the academic year [1 September – ed.], there were 488,000.

This was announced by Serhii Shkarlet, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, on the 24/7 national newscast. 

According to the minister, 4 million pupils completed the first term of the academic year in Ukraine.


A large number of school-age children are currently in the temporarily occupied territories, and about 500,000 are abroad.

Photo: PantherMediaSeller/Depositphotos

"Neither parents nor children want to abandon their education at Ukrainian educational institutions. And we are giving them opportunities [to continue].

We have an international Ukrainian school that allows you to study asynchronously while you are abroad," the minister said.

Earlier, Ukrainska Pravda.Life spoke with education experts and drew up a list of 10 challenges to Ukrainian education in 2023 which might well become critical if nothing is done about them. 

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