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Air-raid sirens sounded in a few oblasts. About 10 explosions rocked Kharkiv

Friday, 10 February 2023, 04:30
Air-raid sirens sounded in a few oblasts. About 10 explosions rocked Kharkiv

Air-raid sirens have been sounded in Kyiv and most of the oblasts of Ukraine, with about 10 explosions were heard in Kharkiv.

Source:; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram; [Ukraine’s public broadcaster] Suspilne on Telegram 

Details: An air-raid siren was sounded at 04:00 in Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast.


Air-raid sirens have been sounded in most oblasts of Ukraine, except Odesa and western oblasts.

Updated at 04:45. The head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration reported that the invaders are attacking again. Syniehubov called on residents of Kharkiv and the oblast not to ignore air-raid sirens and stay in shelters.

Suspilne reported a series of explosions rocked Kharkiv during an air-raid. They wrote that residents of Kharkiv were reporting problems with power in some districts of the city.


According to Suspilne, explosions were also heard in Dnipro.

Updated at 04:47. Ihor Terekhov, Kharkiv Mayor, confirmed that Russians are attacking the city.

"At 04:00, there were several strikes on Kharkiv. The enemy is targeting critical infrastructure facilities. There may be outages in electricity, water, and heat supply," he reported on Telegram.

Updated at 04:50. Oleh Syniehubov reported that the invaders had hit critical infrastructure facilities, and about 10 explosions were heard.

"There are power outages in some districts. Emergency services are already working at the scenes of the explosions. Information about the victims and the scale of the destruction is being confirmed," he wrote on Telegram.

Updated at 04:53. The all-clear has been given in Kyiv and some of the central oblasts.

Updated at 04.58. Suspilne also reported that explosions had been heard in Zaporizhzhia.

Updated at 05:30. The all-clear has been given to all oblasts in Ukraine. The air-raid sirens in Crimea and Luhansk Oblast are sounded constantly.

Background: The sounds of explosions were reported in Zaporizhzhia and Vinnytsia on the night of 10 February, with air-raid sirens being sounded in most of the oblasts.

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