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Register of damage caused to Ukraine by Russian aggression will be created in Hague

Friday, 17 February 2023, 17:50


On 17 February, the Dutch government officially agreed to Ukraine's proposal to establish an international organisation in the Hague called the Register of Damage Caused to Ukraine by Russian Aggression.

Source: press service of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine


Details: The register will contain information on the damage caused by the war to Ukrainian citizens, businesses and the state.

The ministry explained that the register aims to become the first component of a comprehensive reparations mechanism designed to ensure that the aggressor state pays full reparations to Ukraine for the damage caused, in accordance with international law.

Quote: "We welcome the principled decision of the Dutch government to locate the Register of Losses on its territory.


The destruction and damage caused by Russia to our citizens, businesses, and state are enormous. The aggressor country is obliged under international law to compensate for them. To do so, the damage must be thoroughly documented, assessed, and prepared for further consideration.

The city of The Hague is undoubtedly the capital of international justice, and it is quite appropriate that the Register of Damage, as the first component of the reparations mechanism proposed by Ukraine, will be located there. We thank the Netherlands for its principled stance and leadership on the track of Russia's liability for its aggression against Ukraine, and we urge all our partners to join the work on the establishment of a compensation mechanism," Denys Maliuska, Minister of Justice, said.

"The creation of the Register is a fundamental step for the future of the Compensation Mechanism. Now it is important that all processes are launched and the future fund is filled with resources, i.e., confiscated assets of the aggressor country.

We believe that the partners will be active in the issue of the Compensation Mechanism, as its necessity has already been supported by the UN, PACE and other international organisations," added Iryna Mudra, Deputy Minister of Justice.

Details: The establishment of the Damage Register was recommended in the UN General Assembly Resolution on 14 November, 2022.

"It is to be the first component of a comprehensive reparations mechanism, which should include the establishment of a compensation commission to consider individual claims for compensation by Russia from individuals, companies and the state.

A compensation fund should also be created to accumulate funds for payouts under the commission's decisions, including at the expense of confiscated Russian assets," the Ministry of Justice added.

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