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Russia to use propaganda to "brainwash" not only schoolchildren, but also their parents

Sunday, 19 February 2023, 15:40
Russia to use propaganda to brainwash not only schoolchildren, but also their parents

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has decided to hold ideological classes called "Conversations about what's important" not only for schoolchildren of the country, but also for their parents.

Source: Sergey Kravtsov, Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, on Sunday at the meeting of the board of the Association for the Development of Pedagogical Education, reports Russian state-owned Kremlin news agency TASS; Meduza [Latvia-based Russian media outlet]

Quote: "We decided to have "Conversations about what's important" for parents as well... Now we are discussing the format so that it is really interesting, and parents are interested – such a systematic work."


Details: Kravtsov also said that the ceremony of raising the national flag of the Russian Federation will be extended not only to schools, but also to pedagogical universities.

As Meduza notes, from the beginning of September 2022, the academic week in Russian schools begins with the performance of the national anthem and the raising of the national flag. Immediately after that, "Conversations about what's important" are held for schoolchildren. As part of these extracurricular activities, the students were told, among other things, about the "special military operation", as Russia officially calls its war against Ukraine.

On 16 February, the program "Conversations about what's important", which duplicates classes of the same name in Russian schools, began to be broadcast on the Russia 1 TV channel. The project itself stated that the program "will be interesting to both children who stayed at home that day for some reason, as well as their parents."


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