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Lavrov afraid of Western long-range weapons hitting Russia: he says it is necessary to "push back" Ukrainian army

Thursday, 2 February 2023, 10:10
Lavrov afraid of Western long-range weapons hitting Russia: he says it is necessary to push back Ukrainian army

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said it is necessary to "push" Ukrainian troops away so that long-range weapons supplied by the West do not reach the territory of Russia.

Source: Lavrov's interview with Russian propaganda media

Quote from Lavrov: "If we want to move the artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to such a distance that [it] will not pose a threat to our territories now… then the more long-range weapons are supplied to the Kyiv regime, the the further away we need to push them back from the territories that are our country."


Details At the same time, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry complained that no one "pulled" President Volodymyr Zelenskyy when he stated that he did not understand who made decisions in Russia and who he should talk to.

Lavrov concluded that the president of Ukraine looked like a "non-independent" figure, like someone who is "manipulated".

In addition, the Russian Foreign Minister has denied the statement that Russia refused to negotiate.


Lavrov has also said that the entire NATO bloc is fighting against Russia today. "Yes, we see how the whole of NATO is fighting against us, and then, some talksand incantations that "we are not fighting, but only arming" are ridiculous," he said.


  • On 28 January, Zelenskyy once again called on partners to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles to protect the country against Russian attacks. According to him, Ukraine needs long-range missiles to remove this possibility of the occupier putting his rocket launchers somewhere far from the front line and destroying Ukrainian cities with them."
  • On 1 February, The Wall Street Journal reported that a new package of US military assistance to Ukraine, which for the first time will contain projectiles of specific kind, can be announced as early as Friday, 3 February.

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