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Russian forces shell city of Nikopol using heavy artillery on evening of 28 February

Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 20:21
Russian forces shell city of Nikopol using heavy artillery on evening of 28 February

The Russian military attacked the city of Nikopol in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, using heavy artillery on the evening of 28 February.

Source: Serhii Lysak, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote: "The silence was broken by shelling in the evening. The aggressor has once again pointed heavy artillery towards the area of Nikopol. The invaders hit Nikopol. There are neither killed nor injured."


Details: The aftermath of the shelling are being clarified. Lysak added that no Russian attacks were reported in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast during the day of 28 February.

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