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Russian attack destroys shopping centre in Kherson

Friday, 3 February 2023, 18:14

The Epicentr shopping centre in the city of Kherson burned to the ground as a result of a Russian attack on the city on the night of 2 February.

Source: Epicentr press office

Large-scale artillery shelling caused a fire that engulfed the entire building at 17, Beryslav Highway. 


"The attack by the occupiers has been called deliberate on Kherson social media - its purpose is to undermine life in the region and leave the people of Kherson without any means of survival," the company noted.

People are convinced that Russia is trying to drive the local population to despair in this way. The Epicentr reopened after the liberation of Kherson to provide the city's residents with access to essential goods. However, the commercial facility, located at 17, Beryslav Highway, has been totally destroyed in the latest Russian attack.

It was not possible to bring the fire under control, as a gas supply source had been hit.


The company promised to give shopping centre employees who have been left jobless the support they need.

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