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Biologist Bizhan Sharopov killed in war

Tuesday, 7 February 2023, 12:14

Ukrainian biologist and soldier Bizhan Sharopov, who had been missing since April 2022, was killed in the war.

The tragic news was confirmed by the Bohomolets Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

"Today it became known that Bizhan died. He was brave, cheerful, young. Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists, researcher, defender, boyfriend, son.


Our condolences to his family and colleagues. This is an irreparable loss for the entire team and loved ones. Rest in peace," the staff of the institute wrote.

Photo: Bizhan Sharopov/Facebook

Bizhan Sharopov was an active participant in the Revolution of Dignity, in 2014-2015 he fought in the Aidar battalion. 

After his service, he defended his PhD and began teaching. Bizhan was the chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and a researcher at the Department of Neuromuscular Physiology at the Institute of Physiology.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Bizhan Sharopov has returned to the army. He had been missing since April.

Biologist and a soldier Bizhan Sharopov was considered missing since April 2022

Relatives and colleagues of the young scientist shared on social media how they remembered Bizhan Sharopov. 

"Bizhan Sharopov was incredible. He was four hours late for our first meeting and even lost his phone. And I am very grateful that I met him. For the many lectures. For our trip to Lviv. For carrying me through puddles in his arms. For the flowers and for the countless cigarettes I borrowed from him. 

For the long phone conversations. For coming to my biology class when we were fighting, and for playing my favourite song on his guitar.

The Institute of Physiology staff has confirmed the death of Bizhan Sharopov. Photo: Nastya Tokhtamysh/Facebook

It was through him that I read all of [Stanisław] Lem. He spoke with equal enthusiasm about Carl Sagan and his own mother. And now it will be incredibly hard for me to carry these memories alone. Thank you for always supporting me. Thank you for giving your life so that we could all be free.

I will remember you forever young, daring and brave," Nastia Tokhtamysh shares her memories.

Bizhan was the head of the Council of Young Scientists and worked at the Institute of Physiology

Bizhan's friend, scientist Anton Senenko, recalls:

"While everyone was discussing at scientific conferences or open lectures in ties and jackets, you were sitting in a huge auditorium on the back rows in your stretched military jumper you got from ATO [Anti-terrorist Operation Zone – ed.], and you were not inferior in the level of arrogant conversation.

While scientific popularisers with academic expressions were telling civilians about their research, you were making such grimaces and using such intonations at the demonstrations that all the surrounding children were sure to try to listen to your stories about how to thinly slice brains for research purposes.

Bizhan, if I had been nine years old and attended your lecture, I would have become a physiologist, not a physicist."

Bizhan was a participant of the Revolution of Dignity and a veteran. Photo: Anton Senenko/Facebook

"You were a cool scientist. One of the best popularisers of science in the country. And you were a real warrior. Unfortunately, heroes die.

Today, the country learned that Bizhan Sharopov, a talented young scientist and physiologist, was killed in battles for Ukraine with weapons in hand. It's hard to imagine the sheer number of ideas and plans that have gone into oblivion," the scientist adds.

After the full-scale invasion he returned to the front

Military medic Dmytro Mamieiev also shared his memories of the fallen defender:

"Today I found out the confirmation of Bizhan Sharopov's death. He disappeared in April. I was looking for his photo from a lecture at the Bohomolets Institute of Physiology, where I saw him by coincidence (I did not know he worked there and would be a lecturer), for the first time since the Maidan [demonstrations at the Independence Square – ed.], we crossed paths at the rallies. 

He was a good scientist with valuable research and a wonderful person."


Oksana Tovsta, a classmate of the scientist, wrote:

"Our classmate, a young scientist, extraordinary and fearless, was killed in the fight for Ukraine. How much good he brought to the world and could still bring. We sat together at the same desk for a long time, the farthest in the classroom. And I always wondered how he could hear everything, follow everything, debate with teachers of all subjects, sometimes without even having books.

His sharp mind, cheerful disposition, humanity, sincerity, and perseverance are what we all remember about Bizhan. A great loss for the family and for the world. Rest in peace, our Hero."

Photo: Oksana Tovsta/Facebook

"Another friend killed in the war. We hoped that Bizhan was alive, but no miracle happened. Strength to the family," Oksana Savenko also wrote.

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