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Two Russian air-launched missiles hit Chernihiv Oblast, casualties reported

Wednesday, 8 February 2023, 15:38
Two Russian air-launched missiles hit Chernihiv Oblast, casualties reported

On 8 February, two air-to-ground missiles hit the Semenivka hromada [an administrative unit designating, in this case, the town of Semenivka and its adjacent territories – ed.] in the Chernihiv Oblast during an air raid-siren. 

Source: Viacheslav Chaus, Head of the Chernihiv Oblast Military Administration; Operational Command Pivnich (North)

Quote: "An airstrike in Semenivka hromada. Two air-to-ground missiles were used. Information about victims and destruction is being clarified."


Details: Earlier on Wednesday, the Russian army shelled the border village of Hai in the Chernihiv Oblast, causing destruction, according to the Operational Command Pivnich.  

Details: Operational Command Pivnich [North] reports that the Russian army has shelled a border settlement in Chernihiv Oblast.

Around 3:45 p.m., 2 fighter jets were observed; they launched 2 missiles over the territory of Ukraine, around the settlement of Semenivka.


Information about losses among the local population and destruction is being clarified. According to preliminary information, one civilian was wounded, three others were under the rubble of the building.

Details: Earlier on Wednesday, according to OC Pivnich, the Russian army shelled the border village of Hai in Chernihiv Oblast with artillery, causing damage to local infrastructure. 

"From 9:23 to 11:05, information was received about 22 rounds, probably from tubed artillery, [hitting] the settlement of Hai. There were no losses among the personnel and equipment. There were no losses among the local population. During the shelling, a non-residential building was hit", OC Pivnich reported.

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