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Analysts calculate how much Ukrainian territory Russia captured in one month of offensive

Wednesday, 15 March 2023, 03:33
Analysts calculate how much Ukrainian territory Russia captured in one month of offensive

In February of this year, Russia was able to seize territory that does not exceed 0.04% of the area of Ukraine.

Source: Business Insider with reference to military analysts

Details: According to the newspaper, the Institute for the Study of War told Insider that its mapping data showed that Russia had gained just 0.039% more territory in Ukraine between 31 January and 28 February.


At the same time, according to Business Insider, according to the war Mapper tracking group, Russia managed to increase the territory it controls in Ukraine by less than 0.01% in February, the same month it launched its long-awaited new offensive, experts say.

The ISW told Insider that "both numbers are small enough" that a tiny miscalculation could be why they are different, but that ultimately, both accurately portray the limited state of Russia's territory gains.

"Russia gained this tiny amount of land while losing thousands of soldiers and haemorrhaging military equipment," the publication concludes.


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