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Support "Ukrainska Pravda" on Patreon

Thursday, 16 March 2023, 12:40
Support Ukrainska Pravda on Patreon

The journalists of "Ukrainska Pravda" work every day to bring you the latest news firsthand.

More than six months ago, we launched our page on the crowdfunding platform Patreon. During this time, readers from all over the world have supported "Ukrainska Pravda." With the help of our audience, we have created more unique materials and investigations on truly important topics.

Also, our journalists regularly travel to the zone of military operations to cover the latest events of the war.


This kind of audience engagement really helps the editorial staff stay afloat, for which we are sincerely grateful to our readers.

If you trust us and want to support us, you can do so right now. We are confident that quality journalism requires support from readers.

The effectiveness of our work can be understood by the number of readers who come to our website for news. In the first days of the war, "Ukrainska Pravda" became the second most visited website after Google. 

Every week on the Patreon platform, we publish unique materials, as well as photo and video materials from the front line and liberated cities. In addition, our regular readers can receive exclusive postcard photos from the front line.

Support UP on Patreon: You can also join the UP Club to enjoy additional benefits: