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​​Russians send saboteur to Rivne Oblast to blow up weapons supply facility

Thursday, 2 March 2023, 10:12
​​Russians send saboteur to Rivne Oblast to blow up weapons supply facility

The Security Service of Ukraine has captured a Russian saboteur who was supposed to blow up one of the key targets of the transport system in Rivne Oblast so as to disrupt the supply of foreign weapons.

Source: Press service for the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU)

Quote: "His (saboteur's – ed.) main task was to carry out an act of sabotage at one of the key facilities of the transport system of the Regional Centre. In this way, the aggressor hoped to disrupt the supply of foreign weapons to the Defence Forces on the eastern and southern fronts."


Details: It is reported that a saboteur from the Russian special services arrived in Ukraine on 19 February under the guise of a resident of one of the European countries. He used an EU passport to cross the state border.


The saboteur conducted reconnaissance near a strategic transport route in Rivne Oblast to determine the location for an explosive device.

He secretly surveyed the target, and also observed the frequency of passage of rolling stock. Later, he was supposed to plant explosives in the most vulnerable place of the critical infrastructure facility and blow it up.


SSU officers detained the man who has a permanent residence permit in Russia and is one of the Russian agents preparing to commit acts of sabotage.

The detainee was served with a notice of suspicion. The court remanded him in custody.

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