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Car belonging to Russian-appointed police chief blown up in Mariupol

Monday, 27 March 2023, 11:09
Car belonging to Russian-appointed police chief blown up in Mariupol

A car belonging to Mikhail Moskvin, head of the occupiers' city police department, was blown up in the temporarily occupied city of Mariupol on the morning of 27 March.

Source: Mariupol City Council on Telegram; Russian propaganda outlet TASS

Quote from Mariupol’s Mayor Vadym Boichenko: "The Mariupol resistance has struck in occupied Mariupol, blowing up a car belonging to one of the top military officers. Details later."


Details: It is reported that the explosion occurred at 08:07 in the area of the Bakhchyvandzhy market [Prymorsky district, Budivelnikiv Avenue - ed.].

Preliminary information indicates that a car belonging to one of the commanders of the occupiers exploded.

Later, TASS reported that the car belonging to Mikhail Moskvin, the head of the city police department, was blown up in Mariupol.

It is noted that the accomplice of the invaders is alive. He allegedly suffered a mild contusion. The man was a few metres away from the car when it exploded.


  • Several explosions rocked the temporarily occupied city of Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, on the morning of 27 March. A building seized by the Russians, which housed enemy security forces, has been damaged. Another hit was recorded near the airfield.

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