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Ukraine's Defence Minister tells journalist whether military academic departments are needed in Ukrainian universities

Monday, 6 March 2023, 16:35

Ukraine's Ministry of Defence believes that military academic departments should be preserved in Ukrainian universities, but their specialisation needs to be thought about.

Source: Oleksii Reznikov, Ukrainian Defence Minister, in an interview with

Details: The minister is convinced that in fact, the culture of the military profession should become a trend in Ukraine.


Quote: "Perhaps we no longer need conscription. But every young person would begin to take special training courses at the age of 18: medicine, shooting, trenches, coordination. Then they can study whatever they want, but once a year they would take one-month specialist courses. If you want to be a machine gunner, you can study to be a machine gunner. If you want to be a drone operator, go for it," Reznikov said.

Oleksii Reznikov

Reznikov also believes that a shooting range culture should develop in Ukraine.

"Going to the shooting range should be [part of] the culture. Shooting ranges should operate so that everyone knows how to use firearms skilfully. We need reform, so that officially registered firearms would be available to the population - after testing by a psychiatrist, an addiction psychiatrist and law enforcement agencies, of course,"  the minister said.


Oleksii Reznikov is convinced that Ukrainians need to prepare for a change in the law and in the culture of behaviour after victory.

"Unfortunately, the physically hostile country neighbouring ours is not going to fly off into a black hole. Even with all Elon Musk’s creations. And they will dream of revenge. Therefore, the only way to guarantee such an invasion will never be repeated is to have a powerful sector of security and defence forces, as well as a clear concept for a reserve army. This is what Switzerland does.

When the enemy knows that every adult Ukrainian can take out a machine gun from under their bed and resist, they will think 10 times [before attacking – ed.]," Reznikov said.

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