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Half of Defence Ministry could be taken captives – Defence Minister on Ministry's bunker in Hostomel

Monday, 10 April 2023, 13:25
Half of Defence Ministry could be taken captives – Defence Minister on Ministry's bunker in Hostomel

Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov has said that if he had acted according to a certain security protocol at the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion, he would probably have been captured.

Source: Ukrainska Pravda's podcast 24.02: Reconstruction

Details: According to Reznikov, the secure command post of the Ministry of Defence, where the minister was supposed to go with his team, was located in Hostomel. As it later became obvious, Russian forces had launched a powerful attack on the city, including a massive troop landing.


Quote: "The command post that was assigned to my staff was located, you'll laugh, in Hostomel, in a protected place that was the first to be ambushed. Theoretically, if we had moved there in at least a day or two, I would have had half of the ministry there. Almost captive.

So we just scattered into different buildings belonging to the Ministry of Defence. Thank God, there are enough of them in Kyiv.

I even ordered the financiers to be taken outside Kyiv so that they could be in a more or less safe place and work."


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