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"Guys, you are all we have": Special Operations Forces fighters receive a touching letter from a teenager

Monday, 10 April 2023, 20:26

The Special Operations Forces (SOF) military received a letter from Tymur, who was once given a Chevron by a SOF operator.

Now, this operator and his unit are performing combat missions on the Donetsk front, the Special Operations Forces stated on Telegram.

"This letter is from Tymur, I am studying in college. On 15 December 2022, the guys from this unit visited us, so I hope the letter will reach them and give them energy and inspiration. I'm the guy you gave your Chevron to; it's like a talisman to me.


I sewed it on my backpack and always carry it with me. I often think of the guys who visited us, and I hope everything is fine with them," Tymur wrote.

The guy promised to bring glory to Ukraine on the international arena because the military allow him [the opportunity – ed.] to train by defending [Ukraine].

"I want to talk to any of them, so I write my contacts under the letter. To the one who will read this, tell everyone that you guys are everything we have… I want to thank you all on behalf of all students of our college," added the teenager.


The SOF fighters received the letter, recorded a video greeting to Tymur and promised to meet him upon arrival from the front.

"Tymur, thank you! We got your letter. We are grateful for your kind words. Thank you for wearing the SOF Chevron with pride. Your words made my brothers-in-arms and I cry. 

We know why we are doing this, and we know that we have an actual rear that will never betray the Ukrainian people," said the serviceman.

They wished the guy good luck at the competition. 

You can also write a letter to Ukrainian defenders via the platform Hello, warrior!

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