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Occupiers create fake courts to deport Ukrainians to remote regions of Russia

Sunday, 2 April 2023, 04:24
Occupiers create fake courts to deport Ukrainians to remote regions of Russia

The invaders will deport Ukrainians from the occupied territories to remote areas of Russia by using fake courts.

Source: Ukraine’s National Resistance Center on Facebook

Quote: "Earlier this week, the occupation administration of the temporarily occupied territories announced the creation of fake courts, which are actually needed to imitate the judicial field.


Each decision of such a court is legally null and void, and the occupiers plan to use it to deport Ukrainians to remote areas. Thus, the courts will sentence those whom the enemy suspects of disloyalty under the article ‘extremism’."

Details: The centre notes that the practice in Crimea shows that "the court sends the convicts to serve their sentences in remote areas of the Russian Federation, which means that Ukrainians will actually be sent into exile.".

The centre adds that these so-called courts will "legalise" looting in the temporarily occupied territories.

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