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Russians conduct "mop-up" in Mariupol after blowing up collaborationist

Sunday, 2 April 2023, 15:39
Russians conduct mop-up in Mariupol after blowing up collaborationist

Petro Andriushchenko, Adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, has said that the Russian occupiers are conducting a "mop-up" in the occupied city.

Source: Andriushchenko on Facebook

Quote: "There are two cars with Russian military personnel at each crossroads.


Every 200 metres along the street, there is a patrol of 8 occupiers (a mix of the military and the police).

A large number of car patrols from Donetsk.

Total documents and phones’ verification. Random check of apartments with searches".


Details: According to Andriushchenko, such inspections from block to block continued almost every day throughout the week.


  • A car belonging to Mikhail Moskvin, head of the occupiers' city police department, was blown up in the temporarily occupied city of Mariupol on the morning of 27 March.
  • Russian propagandist media reported that the accomplice of the invaders is alive. He allegedly suffered a mild contusion. The man was a few metres away from the car when it exploded.

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