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Medics remove bullet and fragments of occipital bone from soldier's brain

Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 20:30

Doctors operated on a soldier in the city of Dnipro; during the surgery, a several-centimetre bullet and fragments of the occipital bone were removed from his brain.

Source: This was reported in the Ministry of Health

Details: During the operation, the doctors used a neurosurgical microscope to remove metal fragments from the brain matter.


Deputy Medical Director Oleksandr Tolubaev said so in a commentary to Ukrainian Pravda. Zhyttia that the soldier had suffered a shrapnel brain injury in the war zone.

Photo: Ministry of Health

He was taken to the I.I. Mechnikov Dnipropetrovsk Regional Clinical Hospital within a day.

"The difficulty of the operation is that if the metal fragments hit the blood vessels; there can be massive bleeding, and the person can die. Additionally, if these fragments are left in the brain matter, there can be complications that will require a long-term treatment," said Oleksandr Tolubaev.


According to the Ministry of Health, the serviceman named Ruslan lived in Kharkiv Oblast, 5 km away from the border with Russia.

After the occupation of the village by the Russian military, the man volunteered to join the ranks of the Armed Forces.

On 10 April 2023, he was wounded in the head.

Reminder: Earlier, for the first time in the history of Ukrainian medicine, Lviv doctors performed brain surgery on a child while it was awake.

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