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Expert Group on Russian Sanctions suggests charging a fee "for Ukraine" when issuing visas to Russians

Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 22:41
Expert Group on Russian Sanctions suggests charging a fee for Ukraine when issuing visas to Russians

The Yermak-McFaul Expert Group on Russian Sanctions has suggested that European countries should charge a "Ukrainian reconstruction fee" when issuing visas to Russians.

Source: The Bell, citing Working Group Paper No.11

Details: The working paper states that a number of European Union countries no longer issue tourist visas to Russians, and other states should consider doing this too. The paper proposes to stop issuing any European visas to Russians or, alternatively, to charge them an additional "Ukrainian reconstruction" fee when issuing visas.


"Russians can then choose to pay the additional fee and travel to Rome or avoid the fee and vacation in Minsk," the working paper reads.

Other new measures the paper proposes include bringing down the oil price cap to US$45 on a barrel of crude oil, making more individuals subject to sanctions, and introducing new sanctions against 10 largest Russian banks.

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