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"Glory to Ukraine": French artist in Kyiv dedicates mural to military man executed by Russians

Saturday, 29 April 2023, 11:15

A mural with the inscription "Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes" has appeared in the centre of Kyiv on one of the administrative buildings of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament).

Source: Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Facebook

The author has dedicated the mural to the memory of all those who died during the war. The mural depicts Oleksandr Matsiievskyi, Hero of Ukraine, whom Russians shot after he spoke the words "Glory to Ukraine".


"We must always remember the feats of each of our heroes and heroines, who, at the cost of everything, are bringing Ukraine's victory over the cruel Russian aggressor closer. And this memory should be perpetuated from generation to generation", said Viacheslav Shtuchnyi, Head of the Staff of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Mural in the centre of the capital. Photo: Verkhovna Rada
Mural in the centre of the capital. 
Photo: Verkhovna Rada

The creator of the mural is French artist Christian Guemi, known under the pseudonym C215. 

As the Verkhovna Rada states, the idea of creating a mural arose during a visit by a Ukrainian delegation to France. 


"In January 2023, a delegation from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine visited a photo exhibition of works by Christian Guemi, presented in the building of the National Assembly of the French Republic. It was there that the joint idea to create a mural in Kyiv arose," the parliament noted.  

The mural decorated one of the walls of the administrative buildings
The mural decorated one of the walls of the administrative buildings

This is not Christian's first work in Ukraine. The artist has already created a number of murals in Lviv, Zhytomyr and liberated cities in Kyiv Oblast. 

One of his most famous works is a wall painting in Kramatorsk, depicting a border guard saying goodbye to his beloved.

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