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Presidents of Czech Republic and Slovakia continue their visit after overnight stay in Kyiv

Saturday, 29 April 2023, 15:02

The presidents of the Czech Republic and Slovakia have started the second day of their visit to Ukraine, planning to head to other oblasts of the country. 

Source: European Pravda

Details: President of Slovakia Zuzana Čaputová has posted a photo of a view on Sophia Square in Kyiv, noting that she will continue her trip by visiting the Ukrainian oblasts. 


Petr Pavel, the President of the Czech Republic, later noted that he is in Dnipro. It is unclear whether the two leaders visited the city together. 

Quote: "Today I headed further east to show that CZ is serious about patronage over the Dnipropetrovsk Region. I assured Governor Serhiy Lysak that they are not alone regarding the reconstruction."


In a commentary to ČT, Petr Pavel stated that the Czech Republic plans to primarily focus on humanitarian support, mainly for internally displaced persons, healthcare institutions, transport, the energy sector, and education.

Earlier, the president announced that the Czech Republic will open a consulate general in Dnipro, which will help develop cooperation.

The presidents of the Czech Republic and Slovakia arrived in Kyiv on the morning of 28 April, immediately after the massive missile attack by the Russian Federation on Ukrainian cities.

In the evening, they had to spend part of their visit programme in a shelter due to an air-raid siren.

Foreign top officials rarely stay in Ukraine overnight during visits since the start of the full-scale war.

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